maybe you haven't been keeping up on current events . 状況がわかってねえ みたいだな
somewhere between history and current events 歴史と現代の間の出来事です
just briefly , what's your take on the current events there 簡単に、今のリビアと、そこへの介入についての
even in light of current events . だけどどんな状況でも
catching up on current events ? 最新情報をゲット中?
has found that daily show viewers are better informed about current events デイリー・ショーの視聴者の方が主流のニュース番組から
crews announce tour for the world geography through current events , we may have a way over in civics , so buckle up cause it's gonna be a crazy ride 本旅では 時事問題を通して地理を学び 公民はやり過ぎるかも だから 安全の為 シートベルトをお締め下さい
in public places , especially intersections and riversides where people easily gathered , notices would be put up , publishing anonymously written kyoka (lit . mad poems ) that generally satirized current events . 公共の場所、特に人の集まりやすい辻や河原などに立て札を立て、主に世相を風刺した狂歌を匿名で公開する。
therefore , although it only offered opportunities for peaceful poem meetings when it was established , as talk of the academy spread nationwide , many young people gathered , and it became to offer opportunities to discuss domestic and international current events , and eventually grew , adding an additional building ( " autobiography of kinmochi saionji " edited by ki kimura ). そのため、開設当初は平穏な詩会の場に過ぎなかったのが、塾の噂が各地に広がるにつれ、多くの若者が集まって内外の時事問題を議論する場へと変化、ついには校舎を増築する程までに成長している(木村毅編『西園寺公望自伝』)。
on the other hand , after he went to tokyo , along with the smart artistic style of uzaemon xv , he became shoroku onoe ii ' s pupil and learned extensively of the art of kikugoro onoe ' s sewamono (the realistic genre of a play that deals with life and current events of the common people ) as well as aragoto (kabuki play featuring exaggerated posture , makeup , and costume ) and the dancing which was shoroku ' s forte . 一方で東京に出てからは、十五代目羽左衛門系の颯爽とした芸系とともに、尾上松緑 (2代目)に師事して尾上菊五郎 (6代目)の写実的な世話物の系統、また松緑が得意とした荒事や舞踏にいたるまで広く学んだ。